For 6 years and 15 attempts NASA failed to reach the moon before success. Steve Jobs was fired from the company he created. Thomas Edison lightbulb came from over 1,000 failed attempts. Walt Disney Studios was born from the bankruptcy of Disney’s first animation studio.
F1 Ventures invests and grows companies with 20+ year visions.
We believe failures are crucial steps on the road to success, and we’re here for it.
We’re here for the founders who fail to believe they can’t do it. Fail to give up when knocked down. Fail to stop dreaming big.
We align ourselves with the ones who can’t resist the call to adventure beyond the status quo. The ones who know profoundly of the ordeals deep in the unknown. The ones who’ve been defeated. The ones who chose and re-choose this life. The ones who will rise (up) again.
The ones who work to solve the big problems of the future.
Some entrepreneurs never get their shot. They don’t have the access, connections, or support. They’re not just defeated, no one believes in them or their ideas. Yet hard times are coming, and to tackle our most pressing challenges — from climate change to healthcare to education — we need every idea we can get.
Our sister foundation, Artemis, funds and fuels these ideas, especially the ones no one believes in.